National Association of Catholic Families


"No society can flourish unless the family flourishes"

John Paul II to the bishops of Zambia
(September 3, 1999)

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What is the 

National Association of Catholic Families?
We are Catholic families each trying to follow the example of the Holy Family. We try to give each other mutual moral, spiritual and social support in a culture that is now at war with our values. This we do by linking committed Catholic families locally, nationally and internationally, but always with the simple intention of mutual support. We are answering the Holy Father Pope John Paul II's call for families to be what they are. Our work is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy See's Charter of the Rights of the Family, and more recent Papal encyclicals relating to family life, including Familiaris Consortio, Evangelium Vitae, and Humanae Vitae. We help families to get together encouraging them to set up their own means of communication.

The General aims of the NACF

      1. To promote the welfare of Catholic families according to the vision expressed in

              Humanae Vitae (Paul VI)
              Familiaris Consortio (John Paul II)
              Charter of the Rights of the Family (John Paul II)
              Catechism of the Catholic Church
              Evangelium Vitae (John Paul II)
      3. To serve as a meeting place where like minded families may come together for mutual support and encouraging them to set up their own means of communication.

      5. To organize "Family Days" according to the following pattern:
          1.   A designated Sunday every two or three months
              BYO picnic lunch and socializing
              Prayer together
                In the presence of the icon of the Holy Family
                Pope John Paul II prayer for families
                Rosary and consecration to the Holy Family
                Brief talk on some aspect of family life.
            Activities for children.

      6. To encourage families to renew their annual consecration to the Holy Family.

      8. To organize an annual Family Conference/Camp

      10. To distribute a quarterly newsletter.

The NACF Great Britain | Our First Newsletter | Our Second Newsletter | Catholic Links

Daily Consecration to Mary | How to hold a Family Day

Examination of Conscience - Preparation for Confession

Office Holders as at 8 April 2001

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NACF - Queensland

17 Bingara St

Toowoomba, Qld  4350