"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,

and with all your soul, and with all your mind ...

You shall love your neighbour as yourself."

(Matthew 22:37-40)



Did I deny or ignore God's existence? Did I place my faith in horoscopes, fortune telling, good luck charms or reincarnation?

Did I hide the fact that I was a Catholic?

Did I ever believe that things were so bad that not even God could help me? (despair)

Did I neglect prayer for a long time? Did I failed to pray daily? Is there daily prayer in my home?

Did I miss Mass on Sundays of Holydays of Obligation through my own fault? How many Times?

Am I always reverent in the presence of the most Blessed Sacrament? Was I inattentive at Mass? Did I come to Mass late or leave Mass early?

Did I disobey or show disrespect for my parents or legitimate superiors?

Did I do everything possible to look after the spiritual and material well-being of my children?

Have I taken it out on my children or spouse whin I was tired?

Did I fight or quarrel with other members of my family?

Did I give scandal or bad example by what I said or did tho others?

Have I been impatient, angry, unkind, proud, or lazy? Am I cheerful and optimistic around the Home?

Was I envious, jealous or hateful towards others?

Have I failed to do the work or study that I was meant to do? Did I waste time or materials at work, or cause others to do so?

Did I abuse drugs or drink alcohol to excess?

Did I have or advise someone to have an abortion? Do I approve of mercy killing?

Have I taken pleasure in immoral thoughts or desires? Did I dress immodestly?

Have I used contraceptives or encouraged others to use them?

Did I use bad or immoral language? Did I tell dirty jokes? Did I deliberately look at immoral (pornographic) TV, videos? or movies? Did I deliberately read bad magazines or books?

Did I perform immoral acts for sexual pleasure by myself or with others? How many times?

Have I damaged someone else's property? Am I extravagant in my expenses? Am I living beyond my means?

Did I steal, cheat, or encourage others to steal, or keep stolen goods? If so, how many times?

Did I tell lies? did I deliberately deceive or injure others by lies?

Was I unkind in thought, word or deed? When disagreements occur with my spouse, am I quick to forgive and forget? Am I a good listener?

Did I gossip or reveal others' faults or defects? Did I fail to keep secrets I should have?

Did I fast and abstain as required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?

Did I go to Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin? How many times?

Did I make a bad confession by deliberately omitting to confess mortal sin?


Mortal or Serious Sin is when we freely choose to do something that we know is seriously wrong. We must confess all mortal sins and the number of times we committed them.


1. Examination of Conscience.

2. Be sincerely sorry for my sins.

3. Confess my sins.

4. Resolve to amend my life.

5. After confessing my sins and receiving absolution I perform the required penance.


Sign of the Cross

Begin by saying: “Bless me Father for I have sinned. It is [say how long since your last confession] since my last confession. These are my sins.”

Tell your sins and feel free to ask about any matter which worries you.

Finish with:

"For these and all my sins I am very sorry."

The priest gives advice and indicates the penance to be done.

Make an act of contrition:

"O my God I am very sorry that I have sinned against You, because You are so good, and with Your help I will not sin again. Amen"

The priest says:

"... I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

You answer: "Amen."


" The lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace."

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